Easy to use software licensing system

As promised, the beta version for SimpleLicensingSystem, aka SLS, is now available in beta. This first version is designed for .NET application, and will let you setup the licensing of your app in no time:

  • – Add SLSLib.dll as a reference of your project
  • – Create a instance of a TWLicense, with your product name and a private ID
  • – Test the presence of a license with methods such as IsTrial or IsExpired
  • – Allow your users to enter a license key to enable their license

A tool (SLSKeyGen) is included to generate your license keys.

A sample (in C#) is also included in the package. As you can see, it’s a less-than-10-lines piece of code.

The sample source
The sample source

More functions will come soon, such as a C++ API, a more optimized license format, and the possibility to use the license as a container for variables & files. Please contact me if you need more info about the project.

About the security:

The main goal of this project is to provide a very straightforward API. The license and the keys are heavily encoded, and shouldn’t be easy to crack, however the API itself is based on .net, and even it was obfuscated, it could still be reverse-engineered. On the other hand, it’ll do the job to protect your app from what a standard user can do. If someone skilled enough decides to crack your app, he will probably succeed, even if you spent big bucks in the security. That doesn’t mean I won’t improve the tool: the next version will be based on native code, with a lot more of security locks/checks. However, the main objective of this project will remain the ease of use.

Download the package (you’ll need the .net 3.5 framework)

Many news!

Hi everyone!

It’s been a while since I didn’t post anything on my blog. As a result, there are plenty of news I’d like to share.

First of all, I fathered my first kid a little more than a month ago. (Which mainly explains why I was so silent on this blog). The name is Akio, and both the mom and the baby are healthy. We’re now both discovering the real value of sleeping…

Celine Piat, from LivingColors took many superb photos of the baby. If you need a professional photographer to take pictures of your wedding/baby/family, I couldn’t recommend you more to check her website.

It’s not the only good news: I also registered Teapot-Hosting as a company. There is sting many things to do, and things don’t go as fast as I wanted, but the business is on its rail. The website was reshaped, business cards were printed, and every user of the service seem to be happy.

As for Teapot, while the hosting is still the main activity, I also planned to release the tools I designed to help me to handle the business. Namely EasyBiz, a piece of software to handle customers/invoices/transactions with many cool features (graphical dashboard, customizable API, reports, plugins…). SLS, The licensing API and the keygen I use to deliver license keys for the Gametools Suite will also be released soon.

I’ll post here as soon as the betas are available.

Gametools 1.2!

I’m glad to announce the release of GameTools 1.2. As explained in a previous post, the biggest modification is the support of XNA 4.0. GXView has been completely reshaped, and so was the core of the suite.

Another major modification was the licensing model. Until now, the suite had an unlimited trial, and a “pay what you want” license. I decided to keep the “pay what you want”, but to remove the unlimited trial. Several features will now require a valid license to work. On the other hand, the annoying screen was removed, and all the experimental features will remain license free.

I am now working on the next release. Several issues have been reported during the beta, so my priority is to fix them. I also need to update the documentation, and to add software description on the website. Based on my own needs, I had several idea for the next release of gametools: Here below are projects I already prototyped/thought about.

  • – A license manager (something you can use to protect your software, and generate license keys)
  • – An automated builder, to allow you to simply batch build big projects
  • – A php based versionning/source control system
  • – A tool to easily create 3D boxes (like the gametool box here above) and other icon/images.

Don’t hesitate to tell me what you would like to see in the suite.

The homepage of the project didn’t change: http://gruaz.net/projects/gametools. You can download the latest version from this page.

Finally, I would like to thank all the people who sent money, even when the suite was still in a beta state. It really helped!


GameTools 1.2 beta

Hi everyone,

A new beta version of gametools is available. The release will follow quickly: I need to fix an issue related to the assetbuilder (only uiedit and hmedit are impacted).
What’s new in this version:

  • – GXView has been completely reshaped. It can now load XNB created with various versions of XNA (from 2.0 to 4.0)
  • – A contact form is now available from most of the suite’s app, to make easier the bug repport/feature request.
  • – several bugs have been fixed.
  • – Trial screen has been removed from most of the app, and replaced with feature limitation.

I’ll keep the project page updated, and will work hard to release a stable version asap. I’d like to thank particularly the people who donated for this project. Aside from the financiary reward, it’s a very good incentive to keep being motivated.

Being a moonlighter, sweet and sour.

Hi everyone,

Long time I didn’t post anything on my blog. Today, rather than to talk about a project, I’ll comment on the status of moonlighters. By moonlighters, I mean enthusiasts artists or programmers who work on various projects on their free time, usually aside from their daytime job.

I consider myself as one of them, and work with moonlighters quite often. Working with moonlighters is usually a very interesting experience: it would be a mistake to think they cannot provide the same quality professionals do: unlike pros, they work the week end, the evening, and it requires a huge motivation to do this after one day/week of work. Their daytime job is also sometimes related (or at least not so far) from their moonlight activity, so they are moonlighters AND professionals. Of course, you have to pick up your moonlighter very carefully: many crooks will pretends they can do the job. However, after you made sure about the previous work of your man, and setup milestones, you should be happy with the result, for a very competitive price.

I recently asked Michael Deforge to design the icons of the gametool suite, and Michael Taylor for the soundtracks of Aerial Heroes, and what they sent me was much beyond my expectations. (if you read this, thanks again guys:-)

Working as moonlighter is something tricky: you usually don’t have a legal status (unless you are an official freelancer), so you have to prove to your potential customers you are honest and skilled. Since you can’t provide a bill, you also have less legal options to fight back if someone fools you. It is very tempting to become a freelancer for this reason, however it’s a lot of paperwork for a small side income.

My own moonlight activity is split among Teapot-Hosting, and software dev. It will never make me a rich man, however I learnt a lot thanks to this. And Coding something you like is something quite different than coding what you’re asked for. (I’m not saying I don’t like my day-job, but I do not decide what should be developed or not.) I have an excellent relationship with 98% of my customers, and this relation is build on trust. However recently, the 2% reminded me I’m sometime too naive…

End of the year, I had a very specific request from Stanley Ybanez, Jacksonville (FL, USA). He contacted me in this thread. “Stn” asked me for a special version of GXView to allow edition of XNA 2.0 compiled assets. He wanted to modernize his Sweepstakes game. Since it was not something I planned to implement in a future version of the GameTools suite (nobody use the 2.0 framework anymore), he proposed to pay me for this development. We agreed on milestones, and I spend about 3 weeks on the project. Our communications were good and polite, and everything was going well until it was time for him to send the first payment. He started to delay his responses as much as possible, and then stopped completely to reply. Since he didn’t get the fully functional version, I assumed he changed his mind. In his last mail, he asked for my bank infos, but, of course, it was more to make me wait than to send anything. He didn’t bother to explain anything or propose any compensation.

[Edit: paragraph removed: issue solved :-)]

Being someone optimist, I’ll move on and forget about this. I like my activity as moonlighter, so I won’t let those bad experiences ruin it. However, If you are about to work for one of the above mentioned people, I couldn’t recommend you more to be extra careful. Use an escrow service if you can, and never start working for them without good warranties. I wanted to write this ticket to avoid to other people to be fooled as I was. I’m lucky I have a good day job and no money problem, but if this could have happened to someone who really needed this money, and Stanley Ybanez doesn’t seem to be the kind of people to worry about such thing.
